
SADA  (Special Education & Rehabilitation Center)

Disabled people face multitude of barriers that limit their access to education,employment, housing, transportation, health care, rehabilitation and recreation. Due to lack of opportunities, many of them are forced to remain confined to their houses, On the other hand due to inadequate awareness in society; disabled people are not accepted as useful human resources in economic development. There is a dire need for putting in place an information bridge administered by disabled persons themselves, because they are the best advocates of their issues. In the entire district there is no single special school and building where such segments can read learn and got some vocational trainings. Mr Ahsan tajak donate one kanal land for vocational and resource center of persons with Disabilities near Government Post Graduate college Chamanabad to Special Abilities Development Association SADA,

SADA have plane an educational, technical and rehabilitation center for Special need people. The estimated cost of the project is PKR 20500000/=

SADA is continuously trying to arrange funds to establish this center for PWDs on the entire donated place.

Wheelchair distribution

One of the main objective of SADA is the medical rehabilitation and provision of aids and appliances such as artificial limbs, wheelchairs, spectacles, hearing aids, white canes, crutches, and electric wheelchairs to Persons with Disabilities so that they can lead independent lives. SADA provided hundreds of sports and patient wheelchairs from its own resources and with the support of the following organization/departments.

  • Pakistan Bait ul Maal : One hundred wheelchairs in December 2011.
  • Malakand Development Program (MDP) : 70 wheelchairs in June 2012-13.
  • Alkhair Foundation UK : 200 wheelchairs on January 2013.
  • PIPOSE : 5 Artificial limbs.
  • Tanzem Lilsail Walmahroom : 7 wheelchairs.
  • Special Talent Exchange Program STEP: 04 wheelchairs.


Food Distribution program

The war against terror and massive flood added a great deal to the

vulnerability of millions of people including persons with disabilities in Dir Lower KPK. International and local based humanitarian organizations helped the displaced and flood stricken population for their food needs on emergency basis. SADA being a voice of the persons with disabilities conducted a survey and identified vulnerable PWDs in Dir Lower. SADA provided food and non-food items to two hundred and ten, 210 (approximately) PWDs headed families provided food items supported by International Rescue Committee (IRC) and ICRC. Later on the organization started food distribution program for disabled house hold families on annual basses to provide Ramadan and Eid packages to the disabled people.

 National/International Conferences & Seminars

SADA participating consistently in seminars and conferences on national and international level to learn and share the disability related expertise, also SADA is a part of the national and international networks like Disable people International, Asia and Pacific Disability Forum APDF, DPOs Council Pakistan, CBID and many others, some of the major seminar, trainings and conferences which SADA have participated is as under

  • Asia Pacific Disability Forum (APDF conference Inchion south Korea)
  • State parties meeting on disability in United Nation Office new York USA
  • 3rd Internatiol Pushto conference Washington DC USA
  • Community Based Rehabilitation training for Disable People organization Peshawar
  • International aman conference neshtar hall, peshawer
  • International leadership conference, Islamabad
  • Make the right real, Islamabad
  • Disable people international Seminar, Karachi
  • National conference on rehabilitation and empowerment of Persons with Disabilities PWDs Islamabad


Awareness Raising

SADA observing national and international days especially celebrate international day of Persons with Disabilities consistently every year on 3rd December by organizing awareness raising seminars, walk and dialogues to highlight the issues, barriers and challenges in the front of PWDs, society and government. A large number of PWDs, representatives of government, political parties, organizations and volunteers etc participate and will sensitizes about disability issues, with the collaboration of the following organization SADA was able to organize these programs

  1. ARC
  2. Al Khidmat Foundation
  3. Helping Hands
  5. DEWA
  6. SPO
  7. Directorate of sports



Khyber Disability Forum KDF

Special Abilities Development Association founded a forum of Disable People Organizations of Khyber Pukhtoonkhawa with the name of Khyber Disability Forum KDF in May 2012. The aims of its establishment are working jointly to pressurize the government to make polices for the welfare of PWDs and make a strong networking to got some knowledge and experience from each others about disability and bring the sustainability & capacity building of the member organization through different kind of trainings and information sharing. The following organizations are the members of this network

  • Special Abilities Development Association SADA, District Lower Dir
  • Special Welfare Organization SWO, District Mardan
  • Khidmat-e-mazuran, District Swabi
  • AHSAS, District Mansehra
  • ASR, Peshawer
  • Paraplegic center, Peshawer
  • Dostee, Kohat
  • SAHARA, DI Khan
  • Anjuman-e-mazuran, Bajawer agency
  • SPEED, Khyber agency
  • Salute Swat




SADA Worked Peace related activities and launched a Video & audio singing album which has peace related poetry, with the support of ABKT/UNDP to raise the importance of peace because war and terror brings Disability. And organize

Awareness raising walks and seminars to highlights the importance of peace. In south Korea an international Conference Asia & Pacific Disability Conference SADA give prezenation on confilict and Peace.

SADA also done peace project with CAMP and SADO organization.



Guidance and support for PWDs

SADA is continuously bridging the gap exist between Social Welfare Department and PWDs regarding technical assistance and guidance. For strong coordination and liaison cell development SADA guide PWDs for the obtaining special ID cards and other related documents from the department of social welfare at district level. SADA also organized and hoisted a protest against National Database Registration Authority (NADRA) for the rights of PWDs regarding access to their office. NADRA office at district level exists at second floor and there was no access for person with disabilities. In the result of the protest NADRA established a separate accessible cell for the person with disabilities at Dir Lower office.

Beside this SADA conducted a survey at district level and compiled data of PWDs in Dir Lower. The organization is regularly organizing awareness walks, campaigns and seminars at district level for the rights of PWDs. Every third December SADA is celebrating the PWDs day and participate in all programs organized by local FM radio, television and write articles for newspapers. SADA is also providing counseling and support to PWDs and helped 500 such persons for obtaining disable certificate.




 For capacity building, knowledge enhancement, make a strong leader ship, and develop skills of the organization SADA received the following trainings

Miss Saira shams Coordinator women with disabilities SADA received Leadership training from Mobility International in iklj… city USA. It is the first member that got the training abrade from an international organization

  • DPOs Training on IL and wheelchair repairing by Japan International Cooperation agency JICA in Lahore
  • Training of Trainers TOT, Transforming conflict and building peace by Camp
  • Community Based Rehabilitation Training for Disable People Organizations by CHEF international